Category: News

Mark Haugaard New Book on Power

Dear Members of the Power Group   Our board member and former chair of RC 36 has published an exciting new book about power and democracy. The four dimensions of power Understanding domination, empowerment and democracy By Mark Haugaard   Please visit the link of the press below for more details on the book   Here is a description of the book: This book explains the nature and workings of social and political power, including domination and empowerment. It represents a sophisticated new framework of contemporary perspectives upon power, including: Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Clarissa Hayward and Pierre…

Information about 2018 APSA Annual Meeting (Aug. 30 – Sept. 2) in Boston

Theme Statement Democracy and Its Discontents The theme for this year’s meeting of the American Political Science Association is Democracy and Its Discontents. These are challenging times for democracy. In many established democracies, the aftermath of the 2008 and the 2011 economic crises is opening up new spaces for new challengers and popular grievances. The complex relationship between national systems of rule and a global economy is leading to greater tensions both within democracies and between them. Existing rules and party systems are under strain as new cleavages emerge, with populism, nativism, and illiberalism all jostling for popular support, as…


Program Coordinators David STRECKER, University of Erfurt, Germany, Arthur BUENO, University of Erfurt, Germany, Session Overview 1. Cultural Performance: Reconceptualizing Social Change in Modern Societies 2. Global Violence: Local Conflicts and Competition for Attention and Legitimacy 3. Mass and Democracy: Two Sociological Concepts in Tension 4. Memory and Communication 5. Money, Capital, and Modern Life: Building Conceptual Bridges Between Marx and Simmel 6. Politics of Recognition and Cultural Citizenship 7. Postcolonial Theory, Internal Colonialism and the Markers of the Historical Subject 8. Price, Value & Worth: Conceptualizing Social Practices of E/Valuation 9. Re-Specifying Trust: Alternative Forms for Re-Thinking…