- Power and Crisis: 9/11, American Democracy and the Four Dimensions of Powerby Giulio GallarottiGiulio M. Gallarotti
- Workshop on Power Dynamics in Institutional Complexityby Giulio GallarottiDear colleagues, We are inviting applications from early career researchers… Read more: Workshop on Power Dynamics in Institutional Complexity
- RC 36 panel at APSA meeting in Philadelpia, September 5-8, 2024by Giulio Gallarotti
- Joint RC 36 and RC 51 Interim Conference on “Crisis and Power” Porto, Portugal May 31, June 1–call for papers–Abstract deadline now January 1, 2024by Giulio Gallarotti
- RC 36 and RC 51 Joint Interim Conference on “Crisis and Power” May 31, June 1 Porto, Portugal–call for papersby Giulio Gallarotti