Special Issue on “Network Analysis of Political Power”


Journal of Political Power
Special Issue on “Network Analysis of Political Power”

Dear Colleagues,

Please, consider this call for papers for a “Journal of Political Power” Special Issue on “Network Analysis of Political Power.”

Special Issue Focus:
Power is a central concept in social and political sciences yet one of the most troublesome in terms of empirical research. We believe network analysis can help to understand how and why power is used by different actors while taking into account relative and relational nature of political power as well as changing conditions of domestic and international politics.
This special issue presents network analysis methods for the political power. We welcome papers that link theory to practice, propose systematic testing of theoretical models with network data and demonstrate original network approaches to analysis of political power. We invite contributions that share a commitment to a rigorous conceptual analysis of power and focus on distinct forms of power in networks, which include, but are not restricted to, power-as-control and power-as-access, networking power, network power, networked power and network-making power. We are especially looking for papers covering topics connected to conceptualization and measures of power, analysis of nodal positions in networks and to issues associated with construction of corresponding indexes.

Guest Editors:
Alina V. Vladimirova (IOS RAS)
Fuad T. Aleskerov (NRU HSE)
Giulio Gallarotti (Wesleyan University)
Journal Homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rpow21/current

Deadline for Extended Abstracts: December 15, 2017 (2 pages)
Deadline for Full Papers: April 15, 2018
You may send your abstract and manuscript now or up until the deadline at ipsa.rc36@gmail.com

Submission Guidelines:

Manuscripts must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers previously published in conference proceedings are eligible for submission in a case of a substantial revision (please, indicate the previous publication in the cover letter).

Manuscripts should meet the Journal of Political Power submission criteria and include an abstract (no more than 100 words). A manuscript length of approximately 20-30 pages of text is preferred (no more than 10,000 words, not including abstract, references, figures and tables, LaTeX and MS Word templates attached to this message).
Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by editors, it will then be double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous, expert referees.

For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at the journal website:

Questions about the journal, special issue, or suitability of a particular manuscript or idea can be also directed to alina.v.vladimirova@gmail.com.